MINITRENDS Story Ideas for Journalists

How Innovators & Entrepreneurs
Discover & Profit From
Business & Technology Trends

by John H. Vanston, Ph.D.

with Carrie Vanston

Published by Technology Futures, Inc.



for Journalists


Featured Excerpt: “Expanding Involvement in Virtual Worlds” (Pages 72-78)

This excerpt provides a perfect example of how MiniTrends are discovered, analyzed, and exploited. Learn how entrepreneurs are using virtual worlds for focus groups, for distance learning programs, for armed forces training—even to design and build things used in the real world. Available upon request in Word, Text, PDF, or HTML.

“MiniTrends versus Megatrends” (Pages 4-5)

Although Megatrends materially affect the directions of society, there is little most individuals and organizations can do to take advantage of them. MiniTrends, on the other hand, are of a scope and importance to represent attractive business opportunities to those who are alert enough to recognize them, perceptive enough to judge their importance, and clever enough to take advantage of them.

“Why the Customer Isn’t Always Right” (Pages 171-172)

The key to product or service success is not giving customers what they ask for, but, rather, giving them what will delight them, even if they haven’t asked for it.

“The Role of Human Nature in Driving Trends” (Pages 38-39)

Emerging trends are determined by the beliefs, motivations, and actions of individuals. The basic motives of individuals has remained essentially the same over millennia. However, the ways of satisfying these motives is constantly changing. These changes provide asttractive opportunities to those alert enough to appreciate them.

“The Most Important Characteristic of Successful Entrepreneurs” (Page 179)

Research indicates that the most important characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is not drive, commitment, energy, or imagination, as commonly believed, but, rather, continuing good health.

“Trends in Nanotechnology” (Pages 128-136)

The section “New Applications in Nanotechnology” offers a stunning roundup of emerging business opportunities—everything from fake bone to water purification!

“The Platforms of Losing Presidential Candidates Provide Signals of Future Change” (Pages 65-66)

Most people pay little attention to the platforms of losing presidential candidates. However, examination of these platforms can provide indications of future trends and developments.

“Contact Info for Leading Futurists” (Pages 33-34)

The author has worked with some of the top futurists in the world. These thumbnail sketches of five leading futurists include personal contact information—a valuable resource for the astute reader.

“Flexibility to the Rescue” (Pages 9-10)

The author shows how his company, Technology Futures, Inc., utilizes awareness of emerging MiniTrends to assure its survival and success. During 32 years in business, the company has changed its concentration from energy forecasting to computer studies to entrepreneurship to national defense studies to telecommunications analyses, and is now enhancing its capabilities in the energy/environmental arena. A classic “MINITRENDS Adventure.”


For more information on our MiniTrends Activites or to interview
author Dr. John Vanston, please fill out the contact form or
call us at (512) 258-8898 or

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